Dental Implants Winchester, MA

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Missing Teeth? Get Your Smile Back!

Winchester Dental Implants

We know that missing teeth can cause emotional stress and lead to more dental health issues, and we’re here to help you navigate the process of choosing a replacement option. As a Winchester prosthodontist, Dr. Guldalian is an expert with dental implants, and she’ll work with you to create a permanent, natural-looking prosthetic tooth that blends in with the rest of your smile.

The Leading Solution for Missing Teeth

Benefits of Dental Implants in Winchester, MA

One of the best things about dental implants is that they can last a lifetime with proper oral care. The durability of dental implants is a major advantage, and this means that you won’t need to make multiple costly visits to get them replaced. Since they are surgically inserted into your jawbone and they are made to mimic a tooth root, they look and feel completely natural. Call us today to hear more about what dental implants can do for you!

Dental implants allow you to feel more comfortable when biting and chewing, as they give you additional support. This allows you to bite and chew on your favorite foods. Unlike some other tooth repair and replacement methods, dental implants are built to withstand the daily pressure put on natural teeth.

Certain types of tooth repair and replacement options don’t allow for the same comfort when speaking or in general. Dental implants become an almost natural part of your teeth. This helps to avoid slurring that some people with dentures develop. You also don’t have to worry about your dentures moving around when speaking.

One aspect of dental implants that people don’t consider is how much they can help with your overall oral health. While dentures replace a tooth that has been damaged or has suffered massive decay, they also help to prevent decay of healthy teeth and gum disease. Here’s how…

When you have a missing tooth or teeth, your teeth tend to move and migrate. This can lead to crowding and other issues that can make it difficult to brush and floss. You may end up developing hard-to-reach places that weren’t there before. These places can hide food and debris that leads to the development of plaque and eventually gum disease. All of a sudden, you have more tooth decay!

If this isn’t taken care of, it can further develop into periodontists.

Dental implants help to keep your natural teeth in place and stop them from shifting to fill the gap. In turn, your teeth and gums remain healthy.

Another aspect of dental implants that people often don’t consider is how convenient they are! Dentures are removable and require adhesives and other forms of care. Dental implants, on the other hand, are easy to care for. It’s important to continue to brush and floss to ensure the health of your gums and surrounding teeth, but you don’t have to worry about removing and placing your dentures over and over.

Smiling is an extremely important aspect of our mental health and our ability to properly communicate with others. When people have a missing tooth or teeth, they are often hesitant to smile. A dental implant gives you the appearance of a full smile and—with more natural-appearing materials—most people won’t even notice you have a false crown! This means you can continue to smile wide without feeling self-conscious. In turn, this can boost your mood, increase your confidence and even boost your happiness.

How Does It Work?

The Dental Implant Process

The process starts with a consultation at Nova Dental. After Dr. Guldalian examines your gums and jawbone to make sure you’re a good candidate for implants, we’ll connect you with a specialist who will surgically place a small titanium post into your gum line. Once this heals, Dr. Guldalian will attach it to a custom restoration that is built to blend in with the rest of your teeth and look completely natural. You’ll leave our office with a brand new smile!

The health of your gums and your jawbone is important to the dental implant placement process, and Dr. Guldalian will check to make sure they are healthy enough to handle the implant. From there, a treatment plan can be created.

Once the process has begun, your dentist will install the tooth root implant. This is a small titanium post that holds the prosthetic in place. This is placed in the bone socket. Over time your jawbone will heal, and it will fuse with the implant. The process can take anywhere between six and twelve weeks. It’s important for the implant to securely anchor in the jaw so that it essentially becomes part of your jaw.

Once the bonding process is complete and your implant is secure, an abutment will be placed. This is a small connector used to attach your crown (false tooth) to the metal implant. Once the placement is complete, just make sure you follow the aftercare instructions provided by your dentist.

It’s important to understand that there will be a little discomfort during the placement procedure, but it often isn’t too bad. Local anesthesia is used which helps to significantly dull the pain.

Tooth Extraction

Part of your dental crown placement process may be a tooth extraction. This is the case if you have a tooth that has decayed or been damaged to the point where no healthy tooth can be salvaged. Dentists often prefer to save at least part of a damaged or decayed tooth, but if your tooth is bad enough, they will opt for an extraction so they can either place a dental implant or a denture.

The extraction process is pretty straightforward. Once your dentist has determined the tooth needs to be extracted, they will use an anesthetic to numb the area. From there, your tooth will be pulled with a specialized tool.

If a tooth has fallen out, extraction won’t be necessary for the placement of a dental crown. Otherwise, you’ll need to prepare for a tooth extraction before a crown placement. This means checking with your insurance provider about the coverage and costs, as well as setting an appointment for the extraction.

If your tooth needs to be extracted and replaced, it’s important to get the tooth extracted as soon as you can. You don’t want it to continue to decay or become even more damaged. Once the tooth is extracted, you’ll then want to set an appointment for the replacement. The longer you wait, the higher the risk that your teeth may begin to shift and crowd.

Insurance Coverage

You’ll also need to check insurance coverage to make sure your insurance covers the procedure, and how much is covered. A lot of dental insurance providers do not cover dental implants, so you may need to consider methods for paying out of pocket for the dental implant procedure.

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Smile Confidently Again

Dental Implants from Nova Dental

Don’t let a missing tooth keep you from optimal dental health or a confident smile. If you want to know if you’re a good candidate for dental implants, call us now at (781) 369-5722 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Guldalian. You can also stop by to learn more about the process and talk to an expert about your dental needs. We’re located at 304 Cambridge Road, Suite 340, Woburn, MA 01801.

Why a prosthodontist is the best option for dental implants

When it comes to getting dental implants in  Winchester, a prosthodontist like Dr. Talar Guldalian is your best option. Prosthodontists go through at least 3 additional years of training after they obtain their DDS or DMD degree, and focus on restoring the mouth with procedures like dental implants, crowns and bridges, dentures, and more.

Compared to a general dentist, a prosthodontist like Dr. Guldalian has more advanced training and more experience placing dental implants, and can provide you with better overall results. Getting dental implants is a big investment of time and money, so it’s best to choose a dental professional with the best possible qualifications. Interested in a consultation with Dr. Guldalian to learn more? Contact us now to get started.

How Long do Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are considered to be a permanent treatment, and they last 30+ years with proper care. You can expect your implants to last even longer if you take care of your mouth and focus on good oral hygiene.
But while the implants, which function as artificial roots, can last a very long time, your implant restorations (false teeth) may not last quite as long. Unlike the implants themselves, dental restorations like dental crowns, bridges, and dentures are regularly exposed to wear & tear from biting and chewing, so they need to be replaced more frequently.

Usually, you will only need to start thinking about replacing your implant restoration after about 10 years, and they can last much longer than this. But because your restoration will eventually wear out, it’s important to keep coming to Nova Dental for six-month appointments with Dr. Talar Guldalian. She will check on your restoration and ensure that it’s healthy, and recommend replacement if necessary.

Caring For Dental Implants

Our Tips & Advice

The care precautions you’ll need to take to keep your mouth healthy vary somewhat based on the type of implant restoration you have. A dental crown, for example, requires very little specialized care. As long as you brush and floss your teeth properly and see Dr. Talar Guldalian for six-month teeth cleanings, you will be able to keep your dental implant and restoration healthy.

Caring for a permanent dental bridge or non-removable denture is a bit different, and it may take some practice and getting used to. You will need to brush your teeth and use a special interdental brush to clean your implants and to clean between your bridges. Floss or floss tape may also be used to clean between the bridge and implants, and to keep your gums clean.

Removable implant dentures are typically treated similarly to traditional dentures. You’ll take them out when you sleep and soak them in a cleaning solution, and you’ll want to rinse your dentures and clean your gums after you eat. 

After your treatment is complete, Dr. Talar Guldalian will provide you with a comprehensive set of care instructions, which will ensure that your implants and your implant-supported restoration will remain healthy. Adjusting your oral care routine may take some getting used to, but proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy mouth after you get dental implants.


The sooner you call to set an appointment for a dental implant, the sooner Dr. Guldalian’s staff can get an appointment in the books for you. Remember: waiting too long can lead to additional oral health issues that can be difficult to address and may end up leading to more expensive procedures in the future. Instead, contact our office about a dental implant today. We’ll be happy to get you in the books so Dr. Guldalian can restore your smile.

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