Dr. Albert O. Snow Florida Gastroenterologist Discusses the Best Home Remedies for an Upset Stomach

Albert O. Snow
2 min readJul 13, 2021

It’s safe to say that we all have at one time or place experienced an upset stomach. Whether it was caused by a food allergy, suspicious street meat, or an unknown cause, stomach aches are an unfortunate part of life. While there are a variety of reasons we experience upset stomachs, it is essential that individuals recognize the different ways to ease an upset stomach and the remedies available to them within the home. For over 20 years, Dr. Albert O. Snow, a Florida-based Gastroenterologist has helped patients across the east coast battle a variety of stomach issues including chronic stomach aches. Below, Dr. Albert O. Snow will share what he believes to be the most effective home remedies for upset stomachs.

Drinking Water

When first feeling the effects of an upset stomach, many people’s first inclination is to reach for tums, however, the most effective way to treat an upset stomach is by drinking water. The stomach needs water to help digest and absorb nutrients, without it, the body becomes dehydrated and makes digestion more difficult. According to the Health and Medicine Division, woman should have nearly 91 oz of water a day while men should have close to 125 oz. People who experience digestive issues should strive to drink more the recommended amount of water as vomiting and diarrhea can lead to more dehydration, thus worsening their stomach issues.

Eating Foods Within the BRAT Diet

Doctors will often recommend the BRAT diet, (which consists of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) to patients who experience frequent diarrhea. The BRAT diet is a diet comprised of foods that are gentle on the stomach, full of starch, which helps to make stools firmer. Additionally, all the foods within the BRAT diet are bland, and do not contain substances that irritate the stomach, throat, or intestines meaning this diet can also soothe irritation from vomit acid.

Remaining Standing

When we feel sick or unwell, many of us will go lie down to ease our discomfort. However, if you have an upset stomach, this action may in fact exasperate your stomach pain. When we lie down horizontal, the acid in our stomach has a greater chance of traveling backwards up the esophagus, causing heartburn. For this reason, those with an upset stomach should avoid lying down for a least two hours, or until their stomach pain passes. If you must lie down, keep your upper body propped up with pillows to avoid acid reflux.



Albert O. Snow

Dr. Albert O. Snow is a holistic gastroenterologist known for specializing in Irritable Bowl Syndrome and Crohn’s Disease.